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美国《外国情报监视法 / FISA》702 条款对中国科技从业人员的影响
美国《外国情报监视法》(FISA)第702条款,Section 702 如何影响中国科技产业从业人员?下面是 DeepSeek (R1) 给出的解答。
On life, product, tech and how we connect the dots.
美国《外国情报监视法》(FISA)第702条款,Section 702 如何影响中国科技产业从业人员?下面是 DeepSeek (R1) 给出的解答。
With the grace and blessing from all the people who's been loving me, I ended 2024 by becoming the person I was truly meant to be.
在所有爱我之人的支持下,我的 2024 年获得了很大的进步,成为了我「应该」成为之人。
We explore the world by taking actions. We keep patching our thesis to leads us to take more meaningful actions, and keep exploring.
我们通过行动探索世界。我们不断更新自己的「thesis / 论点、洞察、投资理念」来引导我们采取更有意义的行动,然后继续探索。
标题:第一代 WeChat App 开发者带你坐最前排观察 TON 生态(英文)
As a first generation WeChat App/MiniApp builder, such as this photo vending machine using only WeChat APIs, I got the chance to witness and feel what's the Telegram (or TON) app ecosystem felt like in the past few months' project work and engagements in Hong Kong and Singapore. I got a few take-aways.
My wife is right. I need to get out of China in order to make meaningful changes to my work and our life. So we did it within a 10-days visit to Malaysia and Singapore.
A summary on Chance's work and life in Q2 2024. This is Status Update 2024 Q1 previously published on my China company's site chatek.co. From now on, I'm keeping this series on my personal blog.
In this essay, we're going to look at similarities in engineering between blockchain app and serverless app development. So that teams who's been working with serverless stacks can map out an engineering, product or resource governance road-maps towards any web3 products.
Whenever I am asked, “What is your biggest take-away in your journey to becoming a product manager?”, I am now able to answer, “make sure you wrap your teams’ conversation around The Trio of Product Management”, or “产品管理的三驾马车” in Chinese.
Suppose you have 100 people on earth who know you, then you have 102 versions of you, the true you, the you as you know now, and the 100 different you as known by others. By putting time axis into the equation, you shall know who you are, where you are and when you are.